Try to dust off the framed poster to learn more

From Create Your Own Story

You test scraping the fragile paper with a fingernail. It must be years old, and you despair when you realize you need to get your hands completely dirty to have a chance to figure out what's under all the layers of muck. The muck is dry, but when you tentatively taste your finger, it tastes like a farmyard. Or a zoo.

Still, curiosity is a powerful drive, and besides, as soon as you get inside you can wash your hands. Soon you have managed to flake away the worst bits.

But what is it on the poster? It's an old-fashioned and mustachioed strongman. An old advertisement for a circus perhaps? But the text doesn't seem to match up, though you can only make out a single word: "Unconventional!".

Puzzled, you tear off the sheet to see if there's more underneath. But no. All the other posters have been reduced to powdery pulp by scores of tiny tiny bugs.

What now? You look around for somebody to answer questions, but you are still all by yourself here in the back of the lot. You could try the unhinged door, even if the handle is coated with grime. You could try looking through the window if only you find something to stand on. You could risk the barb wire to make your way to the back side. Or you could leave the mystery shed altogether.

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