Try dropping down to a lower branch

From Create Your Own Story

I made up my mind that I'm going to try dropping down to a lower branch sticking out just a few feet away from me. They seem pretty distracted right now so they shouldn't notice if I don't mess this up.

I swing back and forth from the limb I hang from, slowly gaining more and more momentum with each swing. One of the girls below has her pants down around her ankles and is getting eaten out by the other. The girl moans are audible even at this height. I wasn't expecting to hear them either and it throws off my concentration for a split second. You misjudge the jump and you plummet down hard onto the branch. It hits me right in your groin and I'm completely caught off-guard from the pain.

You let out a small groan of agony. It's enough to catch the girls' attention and they easily spot you clinging onto the branch with one hand and massaging your throbbing vagina.

"That's something you don't see every day. Having fun up there? Why don't you come down and we can show you a good time?"

My face burns red from the humiliation. I've been caught. My best choice of action now would be to...

Let them have their way with your body and hope they let me go afterwards

Jump down and try to make a run for it

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