Try and escape

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked & Bound

You try and tear yourself out of the grip of the frat boys who are holding you, but they just tighten their grip. One of them wraps a bandana around your mouth as you try to scream for help, gagging you. "Looks like the bitch ain't been housetrained!" he says. "We'll have to do something about that!"

They drag you over to a table, bend you over on it, and tie your ankles to two of the table's legs. Your arms are stretched across the table and they tie a rope around the belt binding your wrists, and tie the rope to another table leg. You're now completely unable to move any part of your body except your head. The weight of the body squashes your breasts against the table. The table is cold, causing your nipples to harden and press painfully into it. You're trembling uncontrollably, terrified of what's about to happen to you.

You hear a zipper being undone, and you scream into your gag as one of the frat boys shoves his cock up your ass. You howl and sob as you are brutally sodomized. When the frat boy is done, another takes his place. You're anally raped for hours, the other boys eagerly cheering your rapists on. Your voice is hoarse from your screaming, but nobody makes any move to help you.

Eventually, the boys get tired out and go to bed, leaving you tied helplessly to the table. Your ass feels like someone shoved a spiked red-hot poker into it, and your breasts are in agony over being crushed against the table. Still, you're tired, and you can't help falling asleep.

What happens in the morning?

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