Toad: Is their a doctor in the audience?

From Create Your Own Story

The E.R. reception room is a mess.

When you enter a group of men and women rush out as reinforcements for the police officers outside. A couple of men yelling at each other seem to be fighting over a blanket. You have wounded laying everywhere, broking limbs and huge cus seem to be the less important injuries. A few doctors are trying to do their best to ease the pain but it seems pointless. Innumerable body bags piling up in a corner give off a scent of death.

You grab a nurse by the arm.

"My sister lost a lot of blood she needs a transfusion."

"Yeah, she does and twenty other do as well, wait for your turn and let me go."

Having no other choice you seat down in a corner and do as you were told.

After a while a young woman seats next to you.

"I heard what you said, maybe I can help you. I'm a student nurse and I know how to make a transfusion, but we have to go the blood bank and I'm afraid. I heard the doctors say that we where the last survivors of the hospital. If you accept to accompany me I could do something for your sister".

The battle outside seem to have cooled down to your advantage. You turn to your parents and tell them to hide in the upper floors away from the crowd and the attacks that will surely follow.

You turn back to the girl and tell her:

"Okay let's go, my name is Toad, I'll be your shiny knight for tonight" You wink.

"I'm Kelly and it'll be my pleasure to be your princess." She laughs as you leave the main group to explore in search of the blood bank.

The corridors are silent. You cautiously follow the direction of the blood bank fearing to cross the path of a roaming vampire. Luckily enough you cross no one and reach safely the blood bank.

Kelly is about to enter when you stop her. Putting a finger on her lips, you have a peak inside. Exactly as you though, there are two vampires feeding in the blood bank. One is apparently a former nurse and the other one is wearing a patient's night robe.

The nurse is actually pretty good looking which reminds you, you haven't masturbated for a while, but Kelly's look forces you to act. You rush in the room brandishing your sabre and fast as lightning claim the head of the two creatures of the night.

Kelly follows you. She's staring at you.

Something has changed in her eyes.

Is it amazement or lust in her eyes?

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