The police arrive

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and Still Shaking

The sound of a gunshot rends the air and the match explodes in the boy's hand. Before he can process what's happening, a spotlight suddenly shines onto the scene and an amplified female voice, opviously from a bullhorn, booms out, "Freeze, motherfucker!"

Startled, the boys spin around. Two female police officers approach, and the sounds of a number of shotguns being readied indicate there's plenty more cops in the shadows. "All of you, down on the ground," booms the voice on the bullhorn. "We've got you all covered. Anyone attempting to run away will be shot."

The boy who moments ago was going to burn you alive is now shaking with fear. He's barely able to lie down. The rest of the boys all get in position, and the two officers cuff them all. They are then lead off into the shadows and handed over to the other officers.

After the boys are disposed of, the two lead officers approach you. After taking some pictures and collecting a vaginal swab for DNA evidence, they free you and clean you up.

"I'm very glad we made it in time," the lead officer, a pretty brunette, says to you. Her name tag reads Jenkins.

"Are you going to be OK?" the second officer, a busty redhead, asks. Her tag reads Castro.

"I... I think so," you stammer. You're still a bit scared at what might have been.

Officer Jenkins wraps you in a sheet and escorts you to a hospital, where they do a more thorough rape kit. Officer Castro stays with her partner, filling out various paperwork. When everything is finished, Officer Jenkins walks to the head of your temporary hospital bed.

"We need to get you some clothes," she informs you. "After that, you have two options." She indicates Officer Castro with a gesture. "You can either come stay with me and my partner for a while, or we can drop you back home. She and I are partners in every sense of the word. And I think you could use some tender affection to help wipe away the bad memories. Our shift is over and we're not on duty for another 36 hours. But if you don't want to, we'll just take you home instead."

Both of them look at you with a mixture of caring, tenderness and lust in their eyes.

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