The entire football team has it's way with you

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Barely Clothed & Trapped

You try to run, but you're grabbed from behind. You struggle desperately to get away, but powerful hands restrain your arms and legs as your newly acquired clothes are torn from your body, leaving you naked once more. You're dragged to a bench and laid across it, and the boys use the scraps of your clothes to tie your wrists and ankles to the legs of the bench. You scream wildly and thrash around, but all it achieves is getting you gagged and making your breasts bounce around.

"You picked the wrong day to pay us a visit, bitch," one of the boys snarls. "First your team whups us 49-0, and now you come here? What, to make fun of us?"

You shake your head frantically, protesting weakly into your gag, but it's to no avail. The boys commence raping you, one after the other. They put their anger, frustration, and hate for whatever school you were wearing a uniform for, into every thrust into you. You're sobbing and pleading, but it only causes them to rape you even harder. Their hands crush your breasts in their grips as they fuck you mercilessly.

After what seems like hours, and every boy's had his turn with you, you're untied, only to be turned over, bound again, and fucked in the ass! Your breasts press painfully into the bench from your own weight and that of whichever boy is sodomizing you at the moment.

What happens next?

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