The Family Sends Katie Back to Find Help

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Frantic Apparel and Items: Naked
Day, Time Early morning
Need to Bathroom A little
Level of Humiliation Embarrassed

"Katie, you go back and find help." Did her father demand.

"Wait, why me? I'm naked!" Objected Katie.

"Katie, please not now. I'm very nervous." Said her mother frantic.

"Can I at least have my clothes?"

"No, they have to stay clean for the week."


"No buts, Katie! Now go!" Ordered her dad.

Katie turned around, heard her siblings laughing, took a deep sign, and walked away.

Katie started to feel cold here in the open. Her nipples really started to poke out. After about two hours of backtracking, she started to grow tired. She was about to give it up, when she came across...

A biker gang

A bar

A group of male students

A nudist camping

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