
From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 1: Are you a man or a mouse?

"Jesus christ Lucy, how long have you been in the bath?" blushes Ian facing the otherway after walking in on me.

I open my eyes, I guess I fell asleep while bathing again.

"Huh, I dunno... whats the time?" I ask as I lift my hand from the water, getting a little wrinkly but not too much.

He reaches into his pocket and looks at his phone quickly before putting it back.

"It's 10:30, morning..." he says over his shoulder, too embarrassed to even peek.

I haven't been asleep for very long, about 20 minutes.

"I guess I over exerted myself washing, can you hand me the towel?" I say as I stand up, my recently shaved pussy and breasts open to view.

He grabs it and walks backward, holding it out in my direction.

"Ian, can you wrap it around me... I'm kinda tired" I say with a yawn, my eyes growing heavy.

He nervously turns toward me and quickly wraps my body in a towel as he finishes doing so I collapse into him, deep asleep.

I wake up on the couch, fully clothed.

"Thanks Ian, You've been a great friend since my parents went and died" I say as I see him sitting with a controller in his hand by my feet

He seems to be a bit embarrassed, I think it's cute that he has had plenty of opportunity to use my body as he pleases but he simply prefer to take care of me.

"Your parents were good friends of mine, I owe it to them to let their beautiful daughter suffer the cruelties of this world" he says, keeping his eyes to the screen,

I chuckle a little before I move myself around toward Ian.

"Beautiful daughter huh? Smooth" I say as I move my body to lean against his

His face goes red in embarrassment again, he is so hopeless.

"Did I say that out loud... well, it's true... at least, I think so" he says seeming to think he is digging a hole for himself

I simply lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"Fuck me..." I whisper into his ear with a smile as I rest a hand on his crotch

I've lived here about a month and I haven't had sex at all in that time, even if it's Ian I need it.

Sure there is masturbation, but if a man does it I don't have to do any work.

"Are you sure?" he says nervously, his cock stirring in his pants.

I wonder why he even asks, if it wasn't him it would be the next man who walks in.

"Don't hold anything back, even though I'm this skinny and petite I am rather resiliant." I say as I lay onto my back, Ian crawling up my body.

What happens next?

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