Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Hailey The Whore | 35 | (Public)
Haircuts | 80 | (Public) (Edit within reason. Keep to the story. Develop any existing pages freely)
Halloween Mansion Party | 1 | (Do Not Edit)
Halloween Night | ? | (Public)
Halloween Party | 8 | (Do Not Edit)
Halloween Weekend | ? | (Private)
The Hallway of Infinity | 15 | (Public)
Halo: After Reach | 9 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edited 2/20/2014, only 9 pages.
Harbringer of Lust | | (Public)
Hardon High (Gay) | 142 | (Public)
The Harem | 16 | (Do Not Edit)
Harry Potter and the Connubialis Hex | 188 | (Public)
Harry Potter and the Years of Sex | 0 | (Public)
Harry Potter: Master | 15 | (Public)
Heat Wave | ? | (Do Not Edit)
Heir Apparent | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Hentai | 10 | (Public)
Hentai World | 33 | (Public)
Heroes of Pleasure | 23 | (Do Not Edit)
Heroes of Olympus | 4 | (Public)
High School | 1,730 | (Public) (Please be creative and disgusting and ridiculous. I wouldn't even mind this turning into a "No One Should Read These.")
High School Erotica | ? | (Do Not Edit)
A High School Fantasy | 15 | (Public)
High School: Getting Lucky | 23 | (Public)
High School gold ring | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
High School: Mind Control | ? | (Public) (with submission rules)
High School: Naughty Edition | 19 | (Public)
High School: A New Beginning | 18 | (Public)
High School Redux | 14 | (Public)
High School Sex Stories | 1 | (Ask before you edit)
High School Troubles | ? | (Public) Please ask before editing!
High School: The Way It Should Have Been | 60 | (Public)
High Voltage | 486 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)
Hipster Girl Exposed | ? | (Private)
His Gay Life (Bi) | 32 | (Do Not Edit) (See the discussions page for more details)
Hitman For Hire | 21 | (Public) Specific editing rules
Hollywood Romp | 26 | (Public)
Homecoming | 6 | (Do Not Edit) (Private) | Pit watchlist, last edited 2/27/2014, only 6 pages.
Homeland | ? | (Public)
Home Early | 45 | (Public)
Hooker Life | 15+ | (Public)
Horned Devil | 23 | (Public)
The Horny Games | 7 | (Public)
Hot and Horny | 988 | (Public)
Hot Mom | 11 | (Public) (Incest)(Don't edit existing pages.) | Pit watchlist, last edited 12/16/2013, only 11 pages.
Hotwife | ? | (Public)
The House on Horny Hill | 20 | (Private)
The Humiliation of Katie | 721 | (Public)
Hunger Games | 3 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edited 8/1/2013, only 3 pages.
The Hunger Games: Nothing is Prohibited | 47 | (Public)
Hunger Games: Sex Addition | 12 | (Public) (Please edit, use good grammar)
Hush (Under Construction) | 22 | (Do Not Edit)
Hyde Road | 36 | (Private) As soon as I have developed the main concept's of this story I may make it public, with some rules.
Hypno Halloween (CD/TV) | 0 | (Do Not Edit) (Private)