Tell her you want more. in just a second. when you're back up.

From Create Your Own Story

"We're not finished," you say, pulling on your cock and trying to get it to spring back to life. Eyeballing her, thinking of all the dirty things you could do to her, it doesn't take but a couple of second to feel blood rushing back into your cock.

"You're fucking nuts," she say. "I think you should leave. Put your clothes back on and leave." You try to talk your way out of it, but it turns out Cassandra isn't having any of it. She pulls a gun from a shelf nearby. A small one, but a gun none the less. "You leave, now. Go."

You do as your told. Shrugging on your wet clothes, you head out, leaving Melanie behind. At least she's in good hands.

As soon as you step into the parking lot, you notice several shapes looming nearby. You hear Cassandra lock the door behind you as the shapes move in. You don't even make it to your car. They're on you in a second, and you're dead before you even hit the ground.

What where you thinking?

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