Tell Joy you've always thought she was pretty and that you are barely restraining an urge to kiss her

From Create Your Own Story

You stop your work and get her attention. When she looks you in the face, you tell her, "Joy, I have a confession to make."

"What is it?" she asks.

You blush as you speak. "I... have always had a bit of a crush on you, Joy. You're very pretty. And working this close to you... with you wearing that outfit... well, it's taking every ounce of willpower I have not to sweep you into my arms and kiss you."

Now it's Joy's turn to blush. "I... never knew you felt that way. I've always had feelings for you, too." She takes your hand and guides you to the bed, You both sit down, and Joy turns her face towards you. "Kiss me."

You turn your face to meet hers and give her a long, slow, tender kiss. When you break for air, you murmur, "That felt wonderful."

"Yes, it did," she purrs. Then her voice turns sour. "I suppose we'd better get back to work."

You can tell she really doesn't want to resume working on the project immediately.

Wrap your arms around Joy and snuggle her against your body while you gently nuzzle her neck

Reluctantly, rise from the bed and resume working on the school project

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