Take the shotgun. leave her defenseless.

From Create Your Own Story

She doesn't wait to hear your answer. As soon as one of her hands is free, she gives you a push and makes for the shotgun. You jump over and onto it, and the two of you begin wrestling over it. She's yelling at you to let it go, and you in turn are yelling for her to let it go. Finally, her other hand swings around and nestles a finger on the trigger, and as the barrel goes around wildly, she pulls the trigger.

The flash and the noise are staggering. You feel the buckshot scatter between you, and some of it slides right across your cheek, tearing a nasty gash. Elizabeth gets worse. You watch her tumble backwards, the tip of her nose completely blown to pieces. The shotgun drops between both of you as you crumple to the floor and hold tightly to your wounds. She begins sobbing uncontrollably, and you desperately fight through the pain to get the gun.

The blast, however, has attracted attention. You hear something beating against the door. Quickly, you turn and raise the shotgun, and the front window explodes inwards in a rain of glass and wooden bits as a large rock crashes through. You pull the trigger and send a blast through the front door and then turn to face the window. A singular man climbs through, his face and arms covered by sores, and his body barely covered with any clothing at all. In his right hand is a long and dangerous looking hunting knife, and you point the shotgun and pull the trigger. There's nothing but a click, and you realize the shotgun is empty too late. The man is on you, and not long after he's driven you to the floor do three more come through the window. They go to work on your body and face with knives and pieces of glass, and you die both painfully and slowly, not long after you realize the initial shotgun blast must have attracted them.

You don't even get a chance to see what they did to Elizabeth.

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