Take a shower and brush your hair

From Create Your Own Story

I can't go outside with my hair this tangled, or everyone would laugh at me...I need to wash it first before I brush it, you figured, and without another word you head off to the shower.

In the bathroom, you strip down to nudity and turn on the shower, waiting until it warms up to your taste before stepping in. Automatically it relieves you of your tiredness as you become soaked, and then you instantly grab the shampoo. You first lather at your scalp, then work your way down to the tips that hang near your knees. Afterwards, you grab the body wash, lather up the pink loofa, and make sure your whole body is covered with suds. You rinse all the soap off once you are done and then grab the conditioner, following the same practice with the shampoo, then you belt out badly to "Moonlight Denesetu" while waiting for the conditioner to set in for a minute. Finally you rinse off completely, turn the shower off, and grab the two pink towels meant to be yours as you wrap you hair up with one and pat yourself dry with the other, wrapping it around your body as you finish.

Once you feel dry enough, you go back to your room as fast as possible, trying to avoid being seen wearing nothing but towels. You close the door behind you and you move in front of the mirror, examining yourself for a brief moment. You look pretty lovely today, your blue eyes wide and attentive at your reflection and your cheeks pink from the hot shower, but soon you took the towel off your head and all your damp golden hair fell down to the floor as you reach for your brush. Starting at the top, you gently brush your hair and free it from its tangles, taking your time as each strand looks more pristine, humming softly as you work. In about a few minutes you finished your work, your hair looking much better. You glance at the alarm clock, and the time now reads 11:00am. You still have plenty of time.

I should pick an outfit before I do anything else you figured, and you go to the closet. Inside there are three outfits already pre-prepared. What should I choose? They all look so nice...

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