Tag along with Katy and let her lead the way, wherever she's going

From Create Your Own Story

You follow Katy as she heads along the street. She takes your free hand in hers and the two of you chat pleasantly.

It isn't long before you come to a small house. Katy turns towards the door. "My place,"she explains. "Would you like to join me inside?"

You accept Katy's invite,and the two of you sit on the couch in her living room. You both consume your candy bars, which had been forgotten about while you walked along, and resume your conversation.

Katy nudges your head towards her chest. You let her, and she snuggles you firmly. You want to remove her top.

Katy beats you to it. Her breasts are perhaps C-cups, and firm. You suckle on them for maybe 10 minutes.

"Shall we move the action to my bedroom?" Katy asks. She guides your hand to her crotch. Her erect cock throbs against your hand through her panties.

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