SttMF/Pull it off of You

From Create Your Own Story

You put your hands, palm-first, against the wall and give a light push. The 'wire' doesn't budge and from the way it digs into your waist, you decide that pulling the wire off directly is the better idea. You reach down to your waist and squirm until you can slip your fingers between your waist and the object then try to push it away from your body.

The object is rather cool to the touch, though it feels like a piece of steel with how hard it is. If not for its appearance, it wouldn't be hard to believe it is a piece of steel as despite all your pushing, it isn't budging at all. You push until your muscles ache, then decide to give it a rest momentarily. You free your fingers from between the object and your body, and flex them a few times to overcome the cramping. As for what you do next...


Status (Female)
Health 100% <> Possessions <>
Condition Fine Sleepwear, Digital Watch
Date Sat 1/06
Time 8:33 AM
Location Your Home
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