Stay put - maybe they'll let you go in the morning

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and Bound

You lie still, trying to compel your body to sleep. One problem is that despite getting your fill of sex, you haven't gotten your fill of food.

One of the boys stirs, then rises. "Hey," you say softly. "How about something to eat?"

He laughs. "I guess we forgot about that. Sorry, babe." He heads off and you hear noises. Five minutes or so later, he returns with two sandwiches. He feeds you one of them while consuming the other. "I've got you eating out of my hand," he giggles.

You smile. "I suppose you do. Thanks."

After you eat, he helps you to the bathroom, where you perform another necessary function. Then, he puts a water bottle to your lips and you gratefully drink.

"All these other fools look wasted," the boy says. "I don't live here, just came to the party tonight. I've got my own place off-campus. Why don't I take you there?"

Your hands are still bound. The choices appear to be to stay in the frat house or go with the boy to his place.

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