Stand up and do as you're told.

From Create Your Own Story

You stand up slowly, hands outstretched to show you're not going to try anything stupid. You can't risk being shot, because that's a death sentence for Melanie as well. You pull off your shirt slowly and toss it to the side. You kick off your shoes and socks, then pull your pants down until you can kick them aside. You pause for a second, and the woman complains. "All of it!" she shouts, and you hear her pull back the hammer on the .357. You push the boxers down your thighs, then let them drop to the floor and step out of them.

The woman takes a couple of steps forward. You can't make her out. She's dressed in all black and wearing a hoodie with the hood up, shadowing her face. She keeps the gun pointed at your head, but the flashlight moves over your body, illuminating every inch. "Turn around," she says. You do as your told, and you can see your shadow dance on the wall as she moves the light up and down your form. "Bend over," she says.

"What? No!" You say, shaking your head. Then you feel the gun press against the base of your skull.

"Bend. Over." She says. "Last time I ask."

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