Sniff her poop and puke in her hat

From Create Your Own Story

You put the bucket down and lean over. You take a good long sniff of the poop Penny shat all over your dick. Your stomach lurches and you heave into her hat. You wipe your mouth on the back of your hand. That hat is a ruin of poop and vomit, with your dick in the middle of it.

Penny comes back from the bathroom. She has a new hat on her head and the bottom of her costume is back in place.

“You’re seriously sick,” Penny says. “I oughta make you lick that up.”

She picks up the bucket and pours its contents over the hat. The poop and vomit wash off the side of the stage. The hat melts away into a black puddle, leaving your dick lying there on the stage. Penny picks it up and walks over to you. She pulls the waist of your pants forward and drops your dick inside. She lets go of your pants and pats your crotch.

“Time you were on your way,” Penny says.

She gestures and a cloud of smoke momentarily blinds you. When the smoke clears, you’re standing on a sidewalk in front of a dance academy. A quick check of your pants shows your dick back where it belongs, clean, erect and ready for more action.

You look at the window of the dance academy. The blinds are drawn to prevent pervs like you from leering at the dancers.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Dance Studio

MP 0
Level 3
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