Slip away and go introduce yourself to the Piccaninnies

From Create Your Own Story

You silently slip away. The Lost Boys [and Wendy] continue to be entranced by watching Tiger Lily bathe.

You begin to search the forest for the Piccaninny tribe. After half an hour, you're beginning to wonder if you're in the correct area. Suddenly an arrow whistles a few feet in front of you and smashes into a tree.

"Hello, stranger," the Chief says. He steps forward and approaches you, along with quite a few braves, all of whom have arrows drawn and pointed at you. "Why are you in our forest?"

"I was looking for you, Chief," you reply coolly. "I observed a girl spying on Tiger Lily as she was bathing in the pool. I thought you'd like to know."

The Chief frowns. "I don't like it when people spy on my daughter," he grumps. "But a girl can't defile her. If a male had been spying on her, I would have my braves hunt him down."

"I don't want to spy," you smile. "I'd rather be honest. I would like to court Tiger Lily and hope to marry her. I will do anything I need to, including joining your tribe."

The Chief looks you over carefully. "Thank you for coming to me," he finally responds. "I will allow you to court Tiger Lily if you pass a special Indian test. You will need to take these." One of the braves bring forth a bow, a quiver of arrows, and an Indian knife. "Kill a bear, bring it back to the encampment, butcher it, cook a meal for the entire tribe, including Tiger Lily, and if she likes the meal and approves of you, you may court her."

"Where is your encampment?" you ask.

The Chief indicates a direction. "Two bow shots, that direction. There is a small clearing."

You walk over and pick up the bow, quiver and Indian knife. ""I will do this," you intone.

"Good luck," the Chief replies. He and his braves move off towards the encampment.

You haven't taken more than 10 steps when you see a large bear concealed behind a tree.

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