Simply hold your arms behind your back to indicate your intention to show everything

From Create Your Own Story

You're momentarily shocked, you didn't expect anyone to actually take your picture. Your mind flashes with images of your brother's friends seeing you naked. All those little brats who are always perving on you when they come over. You can't imagine how they'd react to actually seeing your body.

But you want to find out.

You brush your hair behind your back so your boobs are both completely exposed. Then you step your legs apart a bit so that your freshly shaved pussy lips are on display as well. You clasp your hands behind your back to show that you're not going to hide anything and give an embarrassed smile as you see your brother's fingers start tapping his phone, forever capturing pictures of his sister's naked body.

He grins and says, "Wow! These are great! You can see everything so clearly! But Claire, why don't you have any hair down there? And why does it look all wet and shiny? Oh also, can I really send these to my friends?"

You blush and reply, "I don't have any hair because I just shaved it all off in the shower. I did it because I like the way it looks and feels. And my pussy is wet because I really like being naked in front of people. As for the pictures..."

You could tell him not to send them to anyone. That would be a step too far. You could tell him he can send them to one person. You like the idea of someone seeing the pics, but not a lot of people. You could tell him he can send them to all of his friends. You want to be seen by all his annoying friends. You could tell him he can send them to as many people as he wants. You want to be fully exposed to as many people as possible.

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