Show her what happened to her parents and offer her a choice

From Create Your Own Story

You lead Claire to the front door and carefully open it a crack. What is left of Mr. Park lays sprawled in his front yard, unmoving and covered with blood. Ms. Park lays face up and naked, her head twisted at an unnatural angle. Another corpse lays atop her and between her legs. A final infected is holding her arm in its hand, taking bite after blood bite. Ms. Park's left arm is now missing most of its flesh and you can see bone.

You quietly direct Claire to each of her parents, in turn explaining in graphic detail exactly what happened to her parents.

You tell her that she is welcome to leave right now and see if she can outrun those infected with her bad ankle.

You promise to protect her and keep her safe if she stays, but your price is her absolute obedience and her body.

Closing the door you turn to Clair and demand she choose. Claire panics and backs away from you, begging you not to do this.

Do you:

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