She's drawing penises on her unicorns without realizing it, because she's horny

From Create Your Own Story

"This has nothing to do with demons," you say. "Seriously. Let's get real here. You're horny, so you drew a penis on your unicorn without realizing you were doing it."

"But this Satanic stuff...," Susan says.

You roll your eyes dramatically.

"That," you say, "is from all those stupid teachers telling us that sex is wrong and evil and stuff 'cause they're scared we'll do something stupid and get pregnant if they don't. Deep down, some of their BS stuck and it bubbled out like that when you were writing without paying conscious attention to what you were writing."

"Oh my god," Susan says. "That's like, so psycho-analytical. I didn't even realize how horny I am! Wow. What should I do?"

The bus pulls to a stop in the school parking lot.

You tell her:

You are possessing:
Orange-haired 14-year-old
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