Set off across the desert towards the gas station

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Sweaty, Pissed Off and Lost, Getting Thirsty Apparel and Items: Jeans, long-sleeved shirt, sweater, panties, high-heel sandals
Day, Time Thursday evening
Need to Bathroom Getting worse
Level of Humiliation None - Yet

She had to get help. In the several hours she'd been driving alongside this road, she hadn't seen a single car going either direction. She couldn't count on anyone else driving by. To make matters worse, with no water, she wasn't going to last long out here. She needed to get to that gas station, and fast.

Mindful of the blazing heat, Katie stripped of her sweater and deposited it under the passenger side of her car, hoping it would still be there when she got back, before looking around. Feeling slightly cooler, she saw off in the distance a stony-looking hill that resembled the one on her map. With a start, she realized she could use that as a landmark, and so save a bunch of time getting to the gas station.

Katie set out across the sandy desert, trying to push the heat from her mind as she walked resolutely towards the hill in front of her. For the first half-hour or so, her travel was fairly easy, as she passed by small boulders and random cacti scattered about the desert, covering the first mile and a half with relative ease.

The easy journey didn't last, though, as the packed sands and patches of bedrock near the road gave way to softer, shifting sands that made every step a struggle, especially since her heels were not cut out for walking through sand. With her pace slowed, she struggled on in this way for another hour and a half, before pausing for a break.

She was tired, and absolutely soaked in sweat. Her clothes clung to her curves, her nipples painfully obvious through her shirt. Her legs and feet ached from trying to struggle through the hot sand, and she was getting rather thirsty, not to mention hungry. To make matters worse, she hadn't used a bathroom in hours, and was starting to feel the urge to go. The only good news was the sun was getting low on the horizon, though she wasn't sure exactly what time it was. The temperature had abated somewhat, but the heat was still quite oppressive.

As she stood there, wiping sweat from her brow, Katie contemplated kicking off her heels, maybe even trying to rip the sleeves from her shirt and the legs from her jeans, before pressing on.

What does she decide to do?

Keep going dressed as she is

Make those modifications before pressing on

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