Serenity: take right path.

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Gold: 50 Active effects: None

Location: The sewers

Serenity took the opposite path from where the scratching noises came from, she wanted to look around first before engaging into any conflict. The path before her was becoming darker, the lit torches weren't as well maintained like the entrance of the sewers. Serenity had to squint and use what little light that shines from the metal grates from the stone roofs. It was very cold in here, Serenity shivers from the wet mossy air that she was breathing in, she wasn't sure if it was doing her any good to her health by being down here. From what she knows, Serenity was the only one down here, if the worst were to happen; how long would it be until she was found?

The sound of rushing water made it hard for Serenity to focus on any other possible threats that may lurk down here. Besides the rats, were there any other beings down here or traps that were placed by some other person? She has to be very careful with where she steps; one wrong move could be her last. No matter how bad Serenity thought about the possibilities of death here, she keeps a strong head on her and doesn't show any fear.

Further into the distance was a dim light, a flame that was flickering. She wasn't sure what this could be. Did someone place it here, was it an ember that fell from somewhere else; it didn't make much sense why something like this would be here. Serenity stops and thinks, was it a good idea to investigate? Could it possibly be a trap set by someone here not long ago?

Serenity: move on

Serenity: investigate the flame

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