Schoolyard Challenge / Play as Saeko (5)

From Create Your Own Story

Schoolyard Challenge

Playing as Saeko, you walk up and are the fifth person to take a card from the deck. After taking a card at random from the right you give a small bow and walk out of the room. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card and follow them to the note immediately heading home. As you leave you silently accept the challenge and vow to come out on top. You had never really expected for this game, but now that you are here you plan on winning. You have the skill and the ability and you plan on putting it to good use. Your house is actually not far from here so you simply start your walk home, pocketing the card. Tomorrow looks like it is going to be a full day and you would like to get home as soon as posible for some good rest.

With skilled training you manage to keep the card and game out of your mind as you go through sword training drills in your head, looking at surroundings to see what you would use and where opponents could come from. As you turn onto your own block however you realize no amount of training is going to keep this out of your head. You find yourself unusually excited and pull the card back out of your pocket giving it a good look over. It is blank however, a strange metallic screen over. Flipping it back and forth you don't figure out it's secrets and finally pocket it again as you walk up the stairs to your house.

Nodding silently to your dad on the couch you simply walk upstairs and slip into your night gown placing the card in the side of your backpack for tomorrow. Finding it hard to sleep you finally drift off thinking about the game and the different opponents you will have to face. Several of them seem more formidable than you had thought earlier and plans of their defeat finally bring you to sleep. The next morning you find yourself up and about, more energetic than usual. You eat your toast and eggs in your night gown before finally pulling your backpack up on the table as your dad leaves for work, pulling out the card. You are pleased that it instantly lights up this morning, looking over it biting your lip slightly.

Item Challenge: Make an opponent moan in class.

Final Objective Challenge: Get fingered to orgasm by someone else.

Enemy Info Challenge: Gag a teacher.

Your eyebrow raises as you look at each challenge with a good hint of surprise. This is going to be a lot more sexual than you had anticipated. At the same time though you instantly start running through them trying to make a plan of action. Giving it a good look over you try and get initial ideas on each as you try to dress quickly, pulling up a green skirt along with a green and white top that shows only a small amount of cleavage. Black panties and bra come on first however. The item challenge seems all about positioning and stealth, you may be able to pull it off in your first class. The final objective challenge is the one you want to complete the most, but the one you want to do the least. Who the heck are you going to get to finger you? The enemy info challenge seems the most risky one however. Pulling one over on a teacher during school will be difficult at best. Perhaps you can trick one into it?

Hearing the bus however you instantly sprint back downstairs and out the door grabbing your backpack catching the bus right before it leaves. While riding you take out a book and pretend to read, but instead have the card out looking over it in the back between the pages. How are you going to do this? You are excited and nervous at the same time. Playing in this game is risky business to be sure with some real consequences. But at the same time your competitive edge starts kicking in and your confidence returns. Now what are your options? You can possibly find someone to finger you before class, there are always girls lining a particular hallway that seem like they might be up for something like that. The item challenge comes down to Yoko you realize with a frown, she is the only one in your first period class; history.

When the bus arrives you quickly pocket the card memorizing your first challenges. Yoko will be a tough one to go after, she would likely make a scene before letting you make her moan. Then again you could be sneaky about it and catch her offguard. Just going to class and hoping it works out doesn't seem like the worst idea in the world. Gagging your teacher on the other hand might take a little planning. Maybe you can swing by class before it starts, but that would be risky. If you didn't get to finish in time everyone would show up and you'd be in some serious trouble. Maybe a teacher you don't even have class with? The more you think about that, the better it sounds.

Walking into the school finally you realize you won't have time to do them all before your first class starts. Finding a teacher to gag and finding someone to finger you are two completely different parts of the school and you can only realistically work on one or the other. You plan on making it back to class though, so either way you'll work on the item challenge then. After your first class you'll see about moving on from there with whatever options present yourself. You also remind yourself as you spot Meko at a distance to keep away from the radar of your opponents.

(If hunts for a teacher, will find this one[1] in storage room. Will jump her and either stay through first period to dominate her and maybe get her to finger you or leave her there toyed with. If finds someone to finger runs into Saya doing the same thing. Have the option of teaming up. Otherwise finds this girl[2]) (Final objective = become a public sex slave to two teachers and two opponents)

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