SM:Watch the Child Perish

From Create Your Own Story

You don't think you can make it. You stand there and watch helplessly as the driver speeds down the road. In the final few seconds, the child looks up and notices the car and you can see her eyes widen in fear. She is too shocked to move and you hope her end to be quick.

However, the driver also finally takes notice of the little girl. He swerves just in time and the car rushes past the girl, missing her by a hair. The car jumps the curb and slams into the car parked just outside the nearby house. The driver is slammed against his seatbelt and the steering wheel and knocked unconscious with blood trickling down his forehead.

The little girl comes to her senses and runs off the road and toward her house with her eyes full of tears and screaming for her mother.

A flicker of red draws your eyes back to the car. A flame has sparked to life just under the engine compartment and you can see fuel leaking all over the ground. In minutes you're sure the car would be up in flames and the man inside would burn to death.

Time Remaining: 1:00

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