SM:Take Cover

From Create Your Own Story

You grab the boy and duck down against the pavement with him, not wanting to take a chance. You use your body as a shield and only seconds after you've taken cover you find out that doing so was a very, very good idea.

A wave of force rips its' way through Y-NOT Pizza, splintering wood, smashing glass, and throwing tables every which way. You and the boy outside are showered with glass as all the front windows are completely blown out. The wave of force is quickly followed by a deafening explosion that makes your ears ache and ring. You can even feel the heat of the resulting fireball despite being outside and nowhere near it. In all, it only lasts a few seconds but feels like it's been two, or even three times as long as it actually was.

The boy is completely unharmed, and so are you aside from some cuts and scrapes on your back from the pieces of glass. Inside Y-NOT Pizza is another story, however, as bodies of those who were inside are strewn all over the place with various injuries, and burns.

You can hear several voices calling for help or crying out in pain. The alarms of nearby cars are blaring, and you can hear people on the street screaming and scrambling to get to safety.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 2:00
Location The Street
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