Rush for the shotgun.

From Create Your Own Story

You jump to your feet and are halfway across the floor before the woman even realizes what's happening. You've got both hands around the barrel and start yanking it off the couch when she grabs for it. "No!" she screams, wrapping her hands around the stock. You pull harder and wrench it from her grasp, then spin it around on her as she starts to get up. She looks viciously angry as you point the gun at her, but she sits back up on the couch and folds her arms across her chest.

"So now you'll execute me for my crimes?" She asks, perking a brow. "The heroic stranger come to make things right?"

You consider it for a moment, wondering what you should do, when she speaks up again. "Or maybe we could work something out." She gives you a sly smile, and you wonder what she means.

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