Rush for the car and hope for the best

From Create Your Own Story

You hope against hope that you can make it to the car and get inside before you noticed. You rush through the rain and the dark, across the wet soggy lawn, feeling your heart pounding in your chest harder with every step. You rush on, headed for the car, when a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky and lights up the neighborhood. It's then you can see clearly that they aren't meandering in the street. They're waiting for you.

It's too late to turn back, so you simply rush to the passenger side of the car, throw open the door and dive in. You crawl across to the driver's side as you hear the pounding of fists and metal objects against the hood and roof of the car. You start the vehicle up as quickly as you can, and wince as a metal pipe bashes out the back window of the car. You throw it in drive and floor the pedal, fishtailing on the wet cement as the car springs to life.

You drive right over at least three of the infected, maybe more, in your escape. The car bumps over them and you're off down the road, your breath ragged and your heart absolutely pounding like it's trying to beat out of your chest.

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