Rest for a while and then get ready for yet another doggy-fuck

From Create Your Own Story

As you stop to a stand-still, neither woman dares to move.

But when the Asian woman starts to feel you swell inside you again, she can't stand it anymore.

"No, not again! Make it stop!" she squeals as you start to fuck her with all the gentleness your dog body can muster. You get a bit carried away and start nibbling at her neck and ears.

Candy looks positively helpless where she squats before the two of you. "I'm so sorry. Thor has never done anything like this ever, I promise!"

"Raping women you mean?! And it doesn't stop! Ugh! What kind of crazy dog is this?" She makes another attempt to breaking free, but you simply use your head to butt her down again.

Then, you decide it's time to really lay into her. You start to frenetically fuck her Asian pussy, making wet noises and penetrating her incredibly deep and wide. She gets stretched so deep and wide she can do nothing but focus on hanging on. "No... ung. Ah! Uh!" she gasps and then she's reduced to incoherent grunting.

"Um..." Candy looks at you in disbelief for a full minute.

Then she starts to look around. In the distance, there are scattered visitors to the park, but only a few is standing and pointing towards your little group. You see a park ranger and that could be fun. One alternative is to get rid of the blonde altogether.

You momentarily switch into the asian woman to again help make up Candy's mind:

Then you shift back into Thor so you don't miss out.

You are possessing:
Huge Dog
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