Reluctantly go through with it (Phys Ed Teacher) (m)

From Create Your Own Story

Standing in the middle of the gym facing her classmates, Jessica stands silently. After a moment, she slowly starts undoing the buttons on her cardigan. As she finishes the last one and pulls the cardigan off, she throws it on the floor next to her. One of the boys gives a little cheer, but you give him a glare and all the students know to keep quiet. She pauses and looks up at her audience, all captivated. At this point, no one is sure if she's going to do it or not, as taking off the cardigan is hardly inappropriate. She looks at you, as if asking whether to proceed. You nod.

She grabs the bottom of her white, school shirt and pulls it up and over her head, quickly tossing it on the cardigan, forming a little clothes pile. Her body flushes crimson as she is now standing in her bra, which is nothing fancy. But it's not about the bra, its about the fact that Jessica is now standing in front of her peers in her bra, thus confirming she intends to keep going. She quickly pulls down her skirt and kicks it off her shoes and into the pile. Her panties match the bra, but are still pretty modest.

She reaches down and picks up the pile of clothes and turns toward the locker room.

"Excuse me, it doesn't look like you're finished." You're sure the game is over here. The rule is no school uniform and her bra and panties are obviously not part of the uniform. You're sure she knows this too, but you decide to push and see where it goes.

"What do you mean?" She asks, her body still red with embarrassment.

"Your offer was to attend gym class naked. Now I don't know about you, but you don't look naked to me. Does she class?" You respond, eliciting a loud "No!" from the rest of the class. What does she do?

She could call your bluff and get dressed. She knows she doesn't have to go any further and that you're in the wrong for suggesting it. She could call your bluff and stay in her underwear. She knows, but she still doesn't want to risk any trouble. She could reluctantly finish getting naked. She knows, but she is in too deep to risk getting in trouble now. She could enthusiastically finish getting naked. She knows, but standing in front of her peers in her underwear is making her want to know how it would feel to go all the way.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Whistle, shorts, t-shirt, trainers

Status Happy, hard
Gender Male
Social Group Gym Teacher
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