Refuse to leave Melanie here alone to die

From Create Your Own Story

"Then you go," you say. "Take my car and go. I can't leave Melanie here alone to die. I just can't." You hand over the keys to your car and sigh.

"Suit yourself," Cassandra says, taking the keys and heading out. "Take care."

You pile blankets next to Melanie's cot, and try and get some sleep. You doze off wondering what will become of the two of you, and have awful dreams about what happened to Melanie.

You're awakened not much later by the sounds of footsteps outside the room. They're loud, and it sounds like a group of people. You find yourself in a hazy panic, still half asleep. You can only imagine what's come into the station, and what it will do when it finds the two of you.

"Anyone alive in here?" You hear a voice shout. "United States army," the voice calls out again. "If anyone is alive in here, announce your presence now!" You jump to your feet.

"We're in here! Two of us! We're alive!" You unlock the door and swing it open, and are greeted by several armed men with flashlights attached to their weaponry, and the light is nearly blinding.

All of the men are wearing some sort of gas masks, and one steps into the room and glances down to Melanie. He demands an explanation as to what happened to her. As quickly as you can, you tell him. Then, he simply steps over to the bed, points his weapon at her head, and as you scream "NO!" he pulls the trigger.

You're tackled to the ground, stripped, and searched. They wrap you up in a blanket and cart you out to a military truck. From there, they whisk you to a military encampment outside of town and shove you into a medical quarantine. You're there for several weeks, before you just can't take what you've seen, and where you are. You fashion the bed sheet into a noose and hang yourself.

The End.

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