ROTS: Talk with Shaak Ti

From Create Your Own Story

You exit the report of the Outer Rim sieges and find the loyal Cody waiting for you at the exit.

“How are the reparations going, commander?” You ask.

“We make constant progress. Our venators should be fully operational by the end of the week, I had Oddball helping me replace all the star fighters and pilots lost during the battle but we are still waiting on those AT-TE we were promised.” Cody answers.

“We won’t survive very long during our next mission without proper artillery.” You rhetorically say. “I’ll try to accelerate the process if possible.”

“Agreed, general. How are the sieges going?” Cody says.

“Very well, Saleucami has fallen, Cato Nemoidia soon to follow. Kashyyyk remains winnable for both sides but I believe master Secura is leaving this afternoon for Felucia, so that’s a positive.” You explain.

“Care to go into more details, sir? We won’t be able to leave the Temple for a while anyway, the hangar is still set for the arrival of master Ti from Kamino.” Cody says.

“Master Ti is here? It must be urgent. While you may think supervising the trainees on Kamino is easier than waging war, she still remains an extremely occupied Jedi.” You reply.

“You know her very well?” Your second in command asks.

“She is a good friend. I guess she could really use some support right now.” You think aloud.

“Why don’t you go and see her? I could take care of those damned AT-TE.” Cody says.

“Thanks, Cody.” You say truthfully before leaving for Shaak Ti’s chamber.

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Revenge of the Sith

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