ROTJ: The gang wants to welcome you in

From Create Your Own Story

“Leia, tell us your story, you pretty much heard all our presentations.” Lyn Me asks sweetly.

“I’m not a very good storyteller...” you say, evading the question. You immediately realize that it was a mistake as you feel the cold stares of the harem girls.”

“That sounds like you want to hide something. You better be honest with us, we may be your only friends in here.” Arica warns you. There is something in her eyes and tone that commands respect and you immediately class her as the most dangerous of the harem girls.

“I am very sorry, what do you want to know?” You apologize with a shy smile, hoping you didn’t turn them against you.

“Just the grand lines, we want to know you, but we know we will discover more of you as time goes on.” Oola explains, positioning herself so she can comfortably listen to your story.

“We still learn a lot about each other, Arica not included.” Jess adds, the girls voicing their approval. The tall redhead grins, clearly proud of being able to keep her secrets without being marginalized by the others.

So you explain your life in general, being truthful to them. You hadn’t planned a fake backstory and lying would only complicate your stay in the harem. You tell them your early years on Alderaan, your time in the Imperial Senate and your highlights with the Rebellion. Of course you keep all the sensible details out of your tale and remain vague on how you got here. You also make sure you don’t compromise the cover of any of your fellow rebels currently on Tatooine, you may be caught but you still have a certain Jedi as a trump card. The girls listen avidly to what you say avidly, amazed by your feats and your down to earth persona. You show no disdain towards those poor harem girls and that make you very likable to them.

They immediately grant you the nickname of “princess” and you enter the group without any difficulty. Even Arica seems to relax, but you aren’t fooled one second. There is still a glint in her eyes that says she would love to ask a couple of questions. You certainly gained her thrust, but for how long?

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Princess Leia Organa
Return of the Jedi

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