Question the wounded man as to what's happened

From Create Your Own Story

"What's going on here?" You ask, stepping inside the room, still clutching the bat.

"I was wounded protecting my family," the man said. "Before whatever those things are drug them off into the night. I could only save Mikey."

You glance between the two of them, both looking at each other quite concerned. "How bad is your wound?" You ask.

"I don't know, but I can't walk. If I move at all I bleed too much. I don't think I'm going to make it." He says quietly. "Who are you?" he asks.

"I'm Mikey's neighbor. His mother was worried so I came looking for him." You say, trying to get a look at the wound and failing. The man had it covered with a bundle of cloth, but you could see the sheer amount of blood pooling on the bed beneath him. Whatever had happened, it didn't look like he was going to survive.

"Then take Mikey and go. I'm a goner anyway." He says quietly.

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