Put her out of her awful looking misery

From Create Your Own Story

You cry like a child as you settle on the bed next to her. You can't even think straight as you cradle her head in your lap. She tries to speak, but it seems as if her tongue has been cut out. You pick up a pillow from next to her and put it over her face. She barely fights, not having much strength left as you smother her. It seems like it takes ages.

You sit with her, weeping, for the rest of the night. Come morning, police officers making the rounds through your neighborhood stop off to check on you, seeing the busted window. They find you with the body of your roommate, and promptly have you in handcuffs. You explain what took place, but they haul you into the station anyway.

The next two years of your life are misery. You hire a lawyer and go through a lengthy wait and then trial. You're cleared of the original charge of raping Melanie and assaulting her, but you get a lesser penalty for ending her life. You try to explain her suffering, but medical experts testify that she could have lived if you'd only taken her to the hospital.

You spend a few years in prison, and the rest of your awful life living in shame for what you've done. It's a short life, anyway, as you eventually stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

Melanie's family occasionally stops at your grave to spit on it.

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