Pull into the right warehouse

From Create Your Own Story

Pulling in quickly, you jump out and rush for the gate. There's no lock, so you open it quickly, jump back in your car, shut off the lights, and carefully drive through. You jump out again and shut the gate, then drive up to the warehouse. You park out front, eyeing that half-opened bay door.

"We can get in through there," you suggest, and Melanie turns to unlock her door.

Just then, the bay door opens up two men in blue jumpsuits, both wielding hammers, step out into the rain. They both grimace at you, and as you go to put the car in reverse, they rush through the rain and jump on the hood. Melanie and Mrs. Park both start screaming as you slam on the gash and back up as fast as you can. Figuring you can just knock the gate down, you ram it with the back end of the car, and watch as it topples behind you.

Unfortunately, real life isn't like the movies, and sections of the gate drag up under your car, catching hold of tire rods, the gas tank, and lines that port important liquids back and forth to the engine. The car grinds to a halt on top of the half toppled gate, and the two men go to work on the windshield with the hammers.

You all try to make a run for it, but you can't escape. Getting out of the car, you're tripped up by the fence as you try to get your feet to the ground, and Melanie and Mrs. Park are twice as slow as you. The two men split up, one tackling you and the other takes care of Melanie and Mrs. Park.

They beat you to death with the hammers, slowly but surely, while you desperately fight to defend yourself.

It's an awful brutal end to an awful brutal night.

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