Pretend to need something and hit on the cute clerk

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and randy

The bellboy opens your room and carries your bag inside. He shows you where the light switches are, and the phone, and so on. He seems delighted to be in your company. You quickly realize he can't keep his eyes off your body. You, however, are too tired to be interested in him. You give him a generous tip and tell him you're fine from here on. He looks a little disappointed, but then looks at his hand, where the money you gave him still rests. He seems to console himself with what is, after all, an excellent tip. "In that case, miss, I'll be off. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. My name is Bradley." He leaves and you shut and lock the door behind him, sliding the bolt into place before you lay down on the bed.

You close your eyes, not bothering to slide under the covers. You relax for a while, or rather, try to, but you can't stop thinking about the gorgeous brunette desk clerk's long, silky dark hair, expressive grey eyes, pouty lips, and her breasts, which are round and firm and almost as big as yours. You start picturing her naked. The mental image is pleasing, and keeps you wet.

Finally, you decide to do something about it. You think up an excuse to go to the front desk.

The brunette clerk is still on duty. She still looks a bit flustered when she sees you, but, you are pleased to see, she also smiles. "What can I do for you?"

"Can you tell me where there's a laundromat near here?"

"Oh, yes," she says. "There's one not far away." She picks up a pen and a sheet of paper and starts drawing a map, at the same time explaining where you need to go.

You lean over, pretending to be interested, letting your breasts brush against her hand.

The clerk stops and looks at you. You smile and say, "I think you're very beautiful. I'd love to get to know you better. What do you say?"

The clerk looks surprised. She takes a second or so to compose herself, then she gives you an answer.

What does she say?

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