Press the issue a little further. there's a reason she cheated.

From Create Your Own Story

"You enjoyed this as much as I did, Cassandra. Don't pretend you didn't."

"I did," she says quietly. "That's why I hate it all so much. My husband is an asshole, but he didn't deserve this." You can see a tear fall from her cheek. "If he's alive, then I have to tell him this. I can't live with this guilt. He'll divorce me. I'll lose everything. And if he's dead, then what's the point at all?" She looks odd, her expression one of immense sorrow that came out of nowhere. It's a bit weird, frankly.

"Well, I mean-" you start to say.

"No!" she says, cutting you off. "I did enjoy this. I wanted you inside me. I wanted to cheat on him because he doesn't spend enough time with me! It's not the first time I've cheated on him because he spends too many hours at that awful job of his. I hate him! I love him! I hate him and love him! And I'm horrible!" She reaches over to a shelf where a small purse lies, and digs around inside.

"Look, it's going to be okay," you say. "You can just blame me. Tell him you were at a low point and that I took advantage. No need to get so upset."

"Fuck you!" She cries out, turning and pulling a pistol from her purse. "You're as awful as I am!" She pulls the trigger twice, and two rounds smash into your body. One hits a rib and bounces into your right lung. The other hits you in the inner thigh, severing an artery. You drop to the floor like a pile of bricks, fighting to breath and watching an amazing amount of blood spurt up and out of your leg wound.

As your vision quickly fades, you see Cassandra put the gun in her own mouth and pull the trigger. Her body collapses, one of her eyeballs flopping down her cheek from the explosive nature of the firearm. She's absolutely dead. You're absolutely dead not moments after. Melanie? You'll never know.

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