Politely decline. she's just a kid.

From Create Your Own Story

"I shouldn't," you say, silently cursing your high standards and morals. "Thank you though," you say finally, turning off to your bedroom.

"Suit yourself," she says, turning and going into her bedroom. You slip into your own bedroom, and find Melanie lying in bed, under the covers.

"I heard that," she says, smiling. "I'm actually surprised you said no."

"I'm a gentleman," you say quietly, getting an extra blanket off the end of the bed. "Plus, she's just a kid."

Melanie reaches out slowly and takes the blanket out of your hand. When she does, her own blanket slips down just a little, and you can tell she's nude under the covers. "Gentlemen don't sleep on the hard floor with only a blanket to keep them company," she says, smiling. Then she pats the bed next to her. "After you're out of all those wet clothes and lock the door."

You've never undressed quicker, or locked a door as fast as you do. You climb under the blankets, finally cutting off the flashlight, and Melanie presses the warmth of her body into you, her head against your chest. "You really are a good man," she whispers. "I mean, I've always known that, but you've really come through for all of us when it mattered most, and when you could have done nothing at all." You feel her hand caress the flesh of your chest softly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," you say softly, relishing the scent wafting from her hair. You always did love that shampoo she used.

"Do you love me?" She asks, quite suddenly.

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