
From Create Your Own Story

Squirtle is a cute Pokémon, and thus you pick him. You take the Pokeball with Squirtle inside of it.

Blue: Since he chose water, then I'll go with grass!

Blue took Bulbasaur, quite obviously. Leaf seems annoyed by Blue. Probably because of his ego, and who would blame her? Anyway, she has to go with Charmander. She's very glad that Charmander could be her companion.

Professor Oak: Blue, how about a battle with one of your rivals?

Blue: Nah I'm fine gramps. They both are too easy for me anyway. Smell you later y'all.

Blue left the Lab. The Professor wishes you both good luck on your journeys, and he gives you both a Pokedex. Blue forgot his one apparently. After that, he leaves as well. You both are all alone now.

Red: Say, Leaf, do you want to battle me?

Leaf: You? Nah, I'd rather fight your Pokemon then hahah.

She seems to be more than shy and a pretty face. She also has humor, even though you haven't seen all of it yet. She would be the perfect candidate for girlfriend, or perhaps even fuck-buddy?

Red: Alright Squirtle, I choose you!

Leaf: Charmander, let's go!

This battle actually is quite unfair, since it's water against fire. And yes, your Squirtle knows the move Water Gun from the start, but also Leer.

Do you want to fight a fair battle, or rather lose on purpose to let Leaf feel greater

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