Pokemon: Blue topped chestnutty things

From Create Your Own Story

You return to Prof. Oak's lab with the berries.

"Oh, Chesto berries, these are quite a good choice," Prof. Oak says with a small smile.

You place one of the berries in front of the curled up Eevee. It peeks its head out partly from the ball of fur that is its body.

It eyes you cautiously and sniffs the chesto berry. It lifts its head up slowly and grabs the berry in its mouth, then, quick as a flash it pulls its head back into its body to eat its meal.

Prof. Oak smiles with satisfaction. Meanwhile, his assistant appears with a bowl of water.

Eevee seems more trusting this time and stands and drinks from the bowl. When it is done it walks up to you and sniffs you, again being cautious but more inquisitive.

You then decide to:

Pokemon: Put Eevee back into its pokeball and show your mum

Pokemon: Put Eevee back into its pokeball and begin your adventure

Pokemon: Don't get too hasty and stay in the lab with Prof. Oak and Eevee for a little longer

Health 100% Pokémon:


Level 5
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