Piggy's Day/The side LRC-ULC-US

From Create Your Own Story

You place the circle on the upper side.




The computer places a 1 in the lower left corner.




Piggy: "Okay, now this game is just screwing with me."

You only have one move to make. You place an O in the upper right corner.




Somehow, this doesn't win you the game. You understand nothing. You try placing another O. You place an O in the center, and it turns the X into an O.




Piggy: "I think I broke it."

You have. The game somehow bugged, and after turning every single square into an O, the game won't do anything anymore. In anger, you get out of the cabin and toss the piece of paper straight into water. The electric paper short circuits, and causes many nearby fish to die and surface.

Piggy: "Well, I might as well catch those fish."

You jump straight into the water, and while the electricity of the paper has subsided, it also attracted a bunch of electric eels onto the site. The electric eels electrocute you to death.


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