Piggy's Day/Something on TV

From Create Your Own Story

Just then, the tele-sphere focuses on number 10.

Gyorge: "Number 10, the contestant who barely scraped through the qualifications round, has been targeted by a Poisonlandminemantaraybat in a nearby cave!"

Piggy: "No! Not the Poisonlandminemantaraybat!"

The bat swoops right in front of number 10, who holds his balance by strentching out his arms. Unfortunately, the Poisonlandminemantaraybat then gains access to the egg number 10 is holding. You dare not to look.

Gyorge: "UN-BE-LIE-VABLE!"

You faint. The tele-sphere focuses onto the remains of the egg.

Gyorge: "Number 10 had a double-yolk egg! According to the rules, this means he'll get another chance, and will be teleported to the spawn."

Indiana: "Wow, there haven't been any double yolks for three years."

The fan looks at the scoreboard.

Fan: "Oh no! The top then just confirmed!"

Indiana: "Piggy, wake up. You still have a chance."

Piggy: "Wh- Do I?"

Your stakeholder comes out of the bathroom.

Stakeholder: "Uhhh.... What was in those tortillas, Indiana?"

Indiana: "I think you ate one of mine. I put plaster in them for texture. Don't mean a thing since I can't die."

Stakeholder: "Ughh. Well, who won?"

Indiana: "Neither, yet. Both John and number 10 made it to the finals. As you can see, these two aren't taking it very well."

You are half-concious on the floor, while the fan is shaking on the couch in fetal position. Then, a voice is heard on the internal communications device in the ceiling.

Voice: "Indiana Stark to the judges booth. I repeat, Indiana Stark to the judges booth. The finals begin shortly."

Indiana: "Oh, I have to go. You can stay and watch the finals here. Just don't make a mess."

Soon enough all 10 remaining contestants have congregated on top of a large, nail-shaped pillar, where the finals are held. Gyorge is standing on a nearby mountain in a space-suit.

Gyorge: "Welcome back to the finals of the 532nd annual 'World's Toughest Stick-man'-competition! This unpredictable round changes every year, so the contestants must be able to expect the unexpected. Judges, reveal what the contestants will be doing!"

Ökerhj: "This year the contestants must be able to estimate their own abilities. One contestant must pick one of the artificially planted animals on Pluto, and fight it. The winner of this round will be the one who is able to beat the animal of their choice, without anyone else being able to do the same."

John steps up, and challenges:

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