Piggy's Day/Shut the power down

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "Hey, look at this! The elevator is powered by powerful ground-based lasers. If we can intercept them, the elevator will just stop."

A.I. Piggy: "But you know what's the only thing that can stop a laser?"

Piggy 2B0F36: "Uhh... a bigger laser?"

A.I. Piggy: "Exactly! If we can fire a laser with a diameter of 20 meters into the powering lasers, they'll just drown into it."

Piggy: "That sounds difficult. Why can't we just blow up the whole place with a nuclear bomb?"

Suddenly, alarms go off, and your entire group is surrounded by a steel cage.

Piggy: "Oh no. I said the b-word."

The guards come over.

Guard: "What are you up to? You're not planning to plant any bombs, are you?"

The alarm goes off again, this time capturing the group of guards in a cage.


Another cage appears around the group of guards. Piggy 2B0F36 is incredibly wizened and skinny, and manages to squeeze through the bars.

Guard: "Stop that pig!"

Piggy 2B0F36 runs around the facility, yelling the word "BOMB" all over, and trapping almost everyone into cages, including the control room personell. Then, he locks all the doors from the control room, launches the space elevator, and takes off with it.

Piggy 2B0F36: "Sorry guys, but we're having a change of plans."

The space elevator blows up mid-way, leaving Earth stranded for outer resources. You've overlooked the fact that other planets were able to notice the space elevator going off, and sent a rocket to fix it. The elevator takes too long to fix, and food runs out within the first week. Congratulations! You've destroyed Earth. You of course died after getting shot by the guards.


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