Piggy's Day/Kill yourself

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "Well, there's always ONE way out!"

You decide to commit suicide in order to spare yourself from the agony of starvation. You look for the tallest room you can find to hang yourself in. You come across a two-story open area.

Piggy: "Ah, this looks just excellent!"

Before you can find enough rope to fashion a noose out of, you spot a peculiar device in the middle of the room.

Piggy: "Hang on, I think I know what that is."

The device looks much like a high-technical oven with three numbered dials. This is a subatomic particle widener, a machine that's was used in finding wormholes for the purposes of faster-than-light travel.

Piggy: "I can use this to get out of this hell-hole!"

There's a piece of paper on the floor. It looks like three coordinates. The coordinates are "124", "324" and "665"

You dial:

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