Pi Pi Pi/You beg at Pi Pi Pi for another chance

From Create Your Own Story

College is not nearly as much fun as you had hoped, and now you've missed out on the man of your dreams.

You start thinking that you may have missed out on a golden opportunity by not going to the Pi Pi Pi sorority house when you were invited, but standing there in front of the sorority house, you look at yourself and say to yourself, "I'm damn hot. Maybe they'll give me another chance."

With that walk up to the sorority house and knock on the door. You are greeted by a beautiful, tall blond in a bikini. "Yes?" she asks.

"I want to join Pi Pi Pi," you blurt out.

The blond woman laughs. "Well, I think you've missed our normal enrollment period, but maybe we can work something out," she says while looking you up and down. "Come in."

You are ushered into a small office and told to wait. After a few minutes, the blond woman returns with a gorgeous brunette, also in a bikini, and another blond, wearing only some lingerie.

When asked to explain yourself, you tell the three women your story about how you didn't respond to the invitation and now you regret it.

The women glance at each other. Finally, the blond in the lingerie says, "Well. We wouldn't normally do this, but we're going to take a chance on you. If you pass our little test, you can apply to join Pi Pi Pi."

What's the test:

Pi Pi Pi No Clothing

Jeans and T-shirt

Rules None
Fucks 0
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