Pi Pi Pi/Rich buys you the lace bikini

From Create Your Own Story

You try on each of the bikinis, even the lace one, which you save for last, hoping you won't have to try it on. The guys loved all of them. Your nipples and bush are clearly visible in the lace bikini, so, of course, that is the bikini the guys choose for you. You try to protest, but Rich insists on buying you the lace bikini. You put your clothes on over the lace bikini and head out to Rich's truck to go wake boarding. You and the four guys get into Rich's truck and drive off to a lake with the boat in tow.

At the lake, Rich backs the boat into the water. The guys take off their shirts and climb on board. Forgetting how see-through your bikini is, you take off your skirt and shirt and climb on board too. Reggie drives the boat out to a good spot on the lake. Don asks, "Alright. Who's first?"

"I think Sally should go first, since she's the one who saved the day," Asher says. The other guys quickly agree.

What do you do?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Lace bikini

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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