Pi Pi Pi/"We'll just change when we get there."

From Create Your Own Story

You open the door. A beautiful brunette is standing there.

"Hi. I'm Jessica," she says. "I live a few doors down."

"Hi, Jessica. I'm Sally," you reply. "Nice to meet you."

"You too. So, my roommate told me that there's a hot springs in the mountains nearby. Do you want to come check it out with us?"

"Okay," you reply hesitantly.

You pick up the swimsuit and follow Jessica and Misty to the parking lot. The three of you chat about high school and coming college during the 20-minute drive. Finally, Jessica turns her car down a dark, dirt road. After 5 more minutes, she pulls the car over.

"Okay. Here we are," she declares. "Let's get changed and find those hot springs."

Without any hesitation, Jessica and Misty takes their clothes off right there by the dirt road. You try not to look, but can't help but notice their perfect bodies. They throw their clothes in the car and slip into their bikinis.

In the meantime, you hesitate for a second, but decide that it's dark enough and deserted enough that you can probably change outside too--as long as you are partially hidden behind the car. Trying not to make it too obvious, you stay behind the car as you take off your skirt and shirt.

You quickly toss them into the car and reach for your bikini.

Then what happens?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing


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