Ongoing Story/Undress Wen Li

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 17: Wen Li

You pick up Charlene, who is still weak with pleasure, and set her down off to your side where she sprawls out, absentmindedly rubbing her cunt.

"Wen Li, you're next," you say. The girl jumps up and runs in front of you, anxious for her turn at what Charlene seemed to enjoy so much. She stands in front of you, her gymnastics outfit showing every single outline of her skin, her body shaking with excitement. As cute as the little girl looks in her leotard, though, you can't see how to get it off of her. Rather than wasting time, you take hold of the top of it with your hands and begin tearing it down the middle, the fabric easy giving way to the force of your powerful arms.

"Oh, what are you doing, master?" Li asks. "I'm taking off your clothes, Li. Is there a problem? "Well, you are just tearing them off me... i thought we were trying to keep them from getting messy... my mother will be upset when she sees." "Oh, I see. Oops. Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll take care of your mother if needs be. And you just keep your worries to yourself from now on. A good slave doesn't burden her master with her own troubles, she tries to make sure the master has no troubles at all." Realizing her mistake, she says, "Oh, oh! I am so sorry, master. It won't happen again!" "That's good, Li, that's good. Now let's finish up," you say, ripping the spandex to shreds as you roughly yank it off of her body. You then do as you did with Charlene, pulling her close and kissing her as you finger her cunt. Unlike with Charlene, there is no resistance, she eagerly responds to your attentions. Her reward is her first orgasm, which causes her to grab your hand and shove it harder into her spasming cunt as she screams in ecstasy. She wails on for a minute straight, refusing to let go of you, and at one point biting you on the shoulder. It doesn't hurt, but it does surprise you. Strange, you think, she's always been such a reserved little girl. It's always the quiet ones, you suppose. She should be fun later.

You take care of Cindi and Jessica in much the same fashion, stripping their clothes and fingering their little pussies to orgasm, feeling them buck and writhe in your hand as you probe their mouths with your tongue. Once you're done, and everyone has managed to recover from their climax, you have all the girls stand before you, five nude, innocent little girls who will do anything you tell them.

"Wow, what a bunch of good little slaves you are! You all obey so well!" At this, the girls all beam at you with pride. "Master, it's easy to be your slave! It's so much fun!" Cindy says. "Yeah!" responds Jessica. "So Master, what will we do now!"

"Well, truth be told, I'm kind of hungry. So..."

What do you do now?

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